1. Leading training provider

    Coursle is Europe’s leading provider of accredited English distance learning courses. We have years of experience helping motivated students develop their qualifications, build their own business or start a new career.

    2. Professional instructors

    All of our teachers are experienced professionals with years of independent experience in their field. We’ve handpicked experts who can give you the practical training you need to achieve your goals. They can also use their experience to give you valuable, experience-backed tips about starting out and avoiding common mistakes: how to start your own business, get your first clients and how much to charge them. The fact that you’re getting all of that makes our school unique in Europe.

    3. Affordable education

    With Coursle, you're getting professional quality at the lowest possible price. Because of our wide range of courses and our partnership with our instructiors, we can afford to maintain a high service standard ata reasonable cost.

    4. Recognized diplomas

    When you pass your exam, you’ll get a diploma to commemorate your success. All our diplomas are internationally recognized – you can use them to get your foot in the door of your chosen company. Of, if you also have a Business Management diploma and license, you can use them to start your own successful business.

    5. Courses for everyone

    Anyone can take a course with us. Our courses are written at an accessible level without sacrificing the quality of the content itself. We also use a combination of theory and practical exercises, to make sure you’re prepared for the reality of your new role as soon as you graduate - be it as a valued employee, a self-employed professional or as a hobbyist.

    6. You make the schedule

    Studying from home is the most flexible way to get a new diploma. You can study at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want, and still lean on your tutor for help whenever you need it. Depending on the course you’re taking, you can use the Internet, Skype, e-mail, or different social media platforms to enhance your experience. You can easily e-mail your teacher and get immediate feedback.

    If you’ve been given an assignment, your instructor will review it within 48 hours and answer any questions you might have regarding the covered materials, before you move on to the next chapter.

    7. Exam warranty

    Our courses meet all the governmental requirements. Thanks to our international contacts with various businesses, the government, and different examination committees, we’re able to provide you with quality courses and fair examinations that will prepare you for your new career.

    You can take the exam whenever you’re ready. You can visit our campuses in Antwerp, Ghent, Hasselt and Brussels at any time – so you’re saved the stress and anxiety of sitting around waiting for your exam date. Or you can take it electronically online – your teacher will grade it and let you know how you did. As soon as you’ve passed, we’ll mail you your diploma.

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